South Africa is the world's worst savings nation with some of the worst debt and unemployment rates. But people talk about corrupt politicians’ sex lives before they’ll talk about the hardest thing to talk about. Money. Nedbank needed to start an important conversation to start changing money behaviour. We got the nation's attention by launching what seemed like a real film at cinemas, complete with a campaign promoting it. Our film told gripping stories of three South Africans with dark secrets. Ben having an affair with his business partner, Amanda an alcoholic and Sizwe who appeared to be involved in criminal activity. The surprising ending revealed that in fact Ben’s business had gone bankrupt, Amanda had excessive debt because of compulsive spending and Sizwe had lost life savings in a pyramid scheme. The film sparked a nation-wide conversation about money, as shocked audiences related to the characters and revealed their own secrets. Beyond advertising, our film is being used in schools and communities to educate South African’s about good money behaviour.​​​​​​​

Full film below:
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